250te Mobile Crane
The LTM 1250-5.1 features enormous load capacities. Our designers had a clear concept to follow in the development of this crane – to get the maximum lifting capacity from the available weight of a 5-axle mobile crane! The result is that the LTM 1250-5.1 is now the most powerful crane on five axles in the world. VarioBallast® enables it to deliver maximum lifting capacities with a large ballast radius, making it perfect for use on constricted sites with a small ballast radius. And it achieves this by quickly adjusting the ballast in seconds. The crane can be fitted with a multi-functional folding jib, a long lowering fixed jib or a rigid powerful jib. Our proven VarioBase®, ECOmode and ECOdrive technologies make the LTM 1250-5.1 particularly safe and efficient.

LTM1250 Benefits
- 60.0mtr Main boom
- up to 50.0mtr luffing fly
- VarioBallast® completes the enormous increase in lifting capacity and flexibility – the radius of the 88-tonne ballast can be adjusted from 4.78 metres to 5.58 metres.
want to hire a crane today?
call us on: 0115 944 4266
McGovern Crane Hire
McGovern house, Condor Road,
Quarry Hill Industrial Estate,
Derbyshire, DE7 4RE.